Copy This Book!: What Data Tells Us about Copyright and the Public Good

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


In Copy This Book!, Paul J. Heald draws on a vast knowledge of copyright scholarship and a deep sense of irony to explain what's gone wrong with copyright in the twenty-first century. Distilling extensive empirical data to clearly show the implications of copyright laws and doctrine for public welfare, he illustrates his findings with lighthearted references to familiar (and obscure) works and their creators (and sometimes their creators' oddball relations). Among the questions he tackles: How does copyright deter composers from writing new songs? Why are so many famous photographs unprotected orphans, and how does Getty Images get away with licensing them? What can the use of music in movies tell us about the proper length of the copyright term? How do publishers get away with claiming rights in public domain works and extracting unmerited royalties from the public? Heald translates piles of data, complex laws, and mysterious economics, equipping readers with the tools for judging past and future copyright law.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherStanford University Press
Number of pages200
ISBN (Electronic)9781503614314
ISBN (Print)9781503614307, 9781503613959
StatePublished - Nov 2020


  • Copyright
  • United States


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