Congress of neurological surgeons systematic review and evidence-based guidelines on the evaluation and treatment of patients with thoracolumbar spine trauma: Surgical approaches

Paul A. Anderson, P. B. Raksin, Paul M. Arnold, John H. Chi, Andrew T. Dailey, Sanjay S. Dhall, Kurt M. Eichholz, James S. Harrop, Daniel J. Hoh, Sheeraz Qureshi, Craig H. Rabb, Michael G. Kaiser, John E. O'Toole

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


QUESTION: Does the choice of surgical approach (anterior, posterior, or combined anterior-posterior) improve clinical outcomes in patients with thoracic and lumbar fractures? RECOMMENDATIONS: In the surgical treatment of patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures, physicians may use an anterior, posterior, or a combined approach as the selection of approach does not appear to impact clinical or neurological outcomes. Strength of Recommendation: Grade B With regard to radiologic outcomes in the surgical treatment of patients with thoracolumbar fractures, physicians may utilize an anterior, posterior, or combined approach because there is conflicting evidence in the comparison among approaches. Strength of Recommendation: Grade Insufficient With regard to complications in the surgical treatment of patients with thoracolumbar fractures, physicians may use an anterior, posterior, or combined approach because there is conflicting evidence in the comparison among approaches.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E56-E58
JournalClinical Neurosurgery
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Anterior decompression and fusion
  • Combined anterior and posterior approach
  • Posterior instrumentation
  • Surgical approach
  • Surgical treatment
  • Thoracolumbar fractures

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Clinical Neurology


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