Compensation of progressive radial run-out in face-milling by spindle speed variation

Sridhar Sastry, Shiv G. Kapoor, Richard E. Devor

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This paper investigates the use of spindle speed variation to compensate for progressive radial run-out in the face-milling process. Machine setup errors like spindle axis tilt, cutter axis tilt and cutter center offset result in radial and axial run-out on the inserts. Cutter center offset, in particular, results in progressive radial run-out on the inserts which can be compensated by continuously varying the spindle speed in a sinusoidal pattern. The amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal trajectory significantly influence the capability of this technique for run-out compensation. A method is proposed for selection of optimal values of the speed variation amplitude and phase based on the idea of matching the chip load pattern under variable speed machining conditions in the presence of progressive radial run-out with that of constant speed machining in the absence of any run-out. Experiments performed with optimal values of the speed variation parameters show a significant reduction in the cutting force component at the spindle frequency and a shift in the frequency content of cutting force from the harmonics of the spindle frequency to those of the tooth passing frequency. An industrial implementation strategy of the proposed scheme is also presented that integrates run-out estimation with its subsequent compensation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1121-1139
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
Issue number8
StatePublished - Jun 2000

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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