Colossal anisotropic absorption of spin currents induced by chirality

Rui Sun, Ziqi Wang, Brian P. Bloom, Andrew H. Comstock, Cong Yang, Aeron McConnell, Caleb Clever, Mary Molitoris, Daniel Lamont, Zhao Hua Cheng, Zhe Yuan, Wei Zhang, Axel Hoffmann, Jun Liu, David H. Waldeck, Dali Sun

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The chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, in which the structural chirality of a material determines the preference for the transmission of electrons with one spin orientation over that of the other, is emerging as a design principle for creating next-generation spintronic devices. CISS implies that the spin preference of chiral structures persists upon injection of pure spin currents and can act as a spin analyzer without the need for a ferromagnet. Here, we report an anomalous spin current absorption in chiral metal oxides that manifests a colossal anisotropic nonlocal Gilbert damping with a maximum-to- minimum ratio of up to 1000%. A twofold symmetry of the damping is shown to result from differential spin transmission and backscattering that arise from chirality-induced spin splitting along the chiral axis. These studies reveal the rich interplay of chirality and spin dynamics and identify how chiral materials can be implemented to direct the transport of spin current.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereadn3240
JournalScience Advances
Issue number18
StatePublished - May 2024

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