Collisional Radiative Modeling of Electronically Excited States in a Hypersonic Flow

Irmak T. Karpuzcu, Matthew P. Jouffray, Deborah A. Levin

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The hypersonic, nonequilibrium thermochemistry flow over a cylinder was modeled to study nitric oxide (NO) ultraviolet (UV) emissions. The main focus of this work is to model the populations of the electronically excited states of N2 and NO because the transitions from those states to ground states are responsible for UV emissions. Collisional radiative models were constructed for the purpose of predicting the electronically excited state populations using two approaches, the quasi-steady-state (QSS) method and a MassTR method. These methods were applied to flows generated by the direct simulation Monte Carlo method of ground state species for two types of collisional radiative models. The results showed that when the coupling between the formation of electronically excited states and flow transport was modeled, this resulted in higher populations of the electronically excited states of N2 (A3Σu) and NO in the expansion and wake regions of the flow compared to the QSS result where flow transport is not included. In addition, it was shown that the N2 (A3Σu ) state is responsible for the most of the NO(A) state population downstream of the stagnation region.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)982-1002
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of thermophysics and heat transfer
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics


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