Co-Teaching in Multilingual Early Childhood Classrooms

Stephanie Sanders-Smith, Mary E. Lyons, Sylvia Ya Hsuan Yang, Sarah Jane McCarthey

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Co-teaching requires that teachers assume joint responsibility for instruction while providing experiences that cannot be produced by a solo teacher. In bilingual settings, co-teachers can support children’s primary and additional languages by providing a native-language model of both languages. Co-teaching requires that team members have a mutually beneficial relationship to support learning and deepen teaching practice. Building such a relationship, particularly when members of the team come from different cultures, can be difficult. This study examines teachers’ views of a co-teaching model in a multilingual early childhood program in Hong Kong. All teachers considered their relationship to be instrumental in supporting an inquiry-based emergent curriculum in a multilingual setting. This study considers elements necessary to facilitate a productive co-teaching relationship.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2020
Event2020 AERA Annual Meeting -
Duration: Apr 1 2020Apr 4 2020


Conference2020 AERA Annual Meeting


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