Clustering of six human 11p15 gene homologs within a 500-kb interval of proximal mouse chromosome 7

Lisa Stubbs, Eugene M. Rinchik, Erwin Goldberg, Bernardo Rudy, Mary Ann Handel, Dabney Johnson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Homologs of genes mapping to human chromosome 11p15 are located in three distinct, widely separated regions of mouse chromosome 7 (Mmu7). To date, six genes have been localized to the most proximal HSA11p15/Mmu7 homology region, including Ldh3 (encoding lactate dehydrogenase C), Ldh1 (lactate dehydrogenase A), Myod1 (myogenic differentiation factor-1), Tph (tryptophan hydroxylase), Saa1 (serum amyloid-A-1), and Kcnc1 (encoding a Shaw-type voltage-gated potassium channel). To define the overall size and organization of this region of Mmu7, we have established a long-range physical map including the murine Ldh1, Ldh3, Saa, Tph, Kcnc1, and Myod1 genes. Our results demonstrate that these six genes are physically clustered and are distributed throughout a 500-kb interval located just proximal of the pink-eyed dilution (p) locus. These data, together with recent mapping studies within the related region of HSA11p15, demonstrate that gene content and organization within this proximal homology segment have been highly conserved throughout evolution.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)324-332
Number of pages9
Issue number2
StatePublished - Nov 15 1994
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics


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