Characterization of optical light curves of extreme variability quasars over a ∼16-yr baseline

Yuanze Luo, Yue Shen, Qian Yang

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We study the optical light curves - primarily probing the variable emission from the accretion disc - of ∼900 extreme variability quasars (EVQs, with maximum flux variations more than 1 mag) over an observed-frame baseline of ∼16 yr using public data from the SDSS Stripe 82, PanSTARRS-1 and the Dark Energy Survey. We classify the multiyear long-term light curves of EVQs into three categories roughly in the order of decreasing smoothness: Monotonic decreasing or increasing (3.7 per cent), single broad peak and dip (56.8 per cent), and more complex patterns (39.5 per cent). The rareness of monotonic cases suggests that the major mechanisms driving the extreme optical variability do not operate over time-scales much longer than a few years. Simulated light curves with a damped random walk model generally under-predict the first two categories with smoother long-term trends. Despite the different long-term behaviours of these EVQs, there is little dependence of the long-term trend on the physical properties of quasars, such as their luminosity, BH mass, and Eddington ratio. The large dynamic range of optical flux variability overmultiyear time-scales of these EVQs allows us to explore the ensemble correlation between the short-term (∼6 months) variability and the seasonal-average flux across the decade-long baseline (the rms-mean flux relation). We find that unlike the results for X-ray variability studies, the linear short-term flux variations do not scale with the seasonal-average flux, indicating different mechanisms that drive the short-term flickering and long-term extreme variability of accretion disc emission. Finally, we present a sample of 16 EVQs, where the approximately bell-shaped large amplitude variation in the light curve can be reasonably well fit by a simple microlensing model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3686-3698
Number of pages13
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2020


  • Black hole physics
  • Galaxies: Active
  • Quasars: General

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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