Changing Universities on the Tenure Track: Integrating Into a New Workplace Culture

K. Andrew R. Richards, James D. Ressler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: Scholars, including those in physical education, have investigated the socialization of higher education faculty members. Informed by self-study of teacher education practices and occupational socialization theory, we aimed to understand Kevin’s experiences during a transition from one institution to another with the help of his critical friend, Jim. Methodology/Methods: Data were collected through prolonged journaling and critical friend discussions. Resulting text files were analyzed thematically with a focus on identifying turning points. Findings: Themes developed through qualitative analysis included: (a) readjusting scholarly targets and embracing grantspersonship, (b) giving up control and facilitating research, and (c) balancing being a team player with self-advocacy. Discussion/Conclusions: Kevin’s transition was supported by recognizing shifting norms of his new faculty role and influence of self-study of teacher education practices for ongoing, career professional development. Prior and current socialization influences framed this development.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)580–589
JournalJournal of Teaching in Physical Education
Issue number4
Early online dateSep 25 2021
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • boundary crossing
  • self-study of teacher education practice
  • occupational socialization theory
  • higher education
  • faculty socialization


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