Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Examination Preparation

Fong Chan (Editor), Malachy Bishop (Editor), Julie Chronister (Editor), Eun-Jeong Lee (Editor), Chungyi Chiu (Editor)

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


This book provides a concise yet comprehensive preparation guide for the commission on rehabilitation counselor certification’s Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) examination. The number of people requiring rehabilitation counseling services has continued to increase and this population is becoming increasingly diverse. Emerging diseases, disabilities, and chronic conditions have fused with global and national events to create new and challenging questions for rehabilitation counseling, and all health professions, about practices and policies, access, advocacy, and new methods of delivering services. This rapidly evolving professional landscape requires new and adapted skills and knowledge sets. The book ensures that it continues to provide a current, user-friendly, and comprehensive preparation for counselors and students preparing for the CRC examination. The contents are based on the most recent empirically derived rehabilitation counselor roles and functions studies that inform the test specifications for the CRC examination. The book corresponds to accreditation standards for master’s degree programs in rehabilitation counseling. It provides a new chapter on the CRC examination, including strategies for study and test taking. Each chapter of this guide provides a concise overview of the key concepts, summary tables of the key concepts, practice questions (with annotated answers), and links to web-based materials for further study and review. This edition proves highly valuable to rehabilitation counseling graduate students, working rehabilitation counselors seeking to obtain the CRC credential, and those in allied rehabilitation professions seeking to become a CRC through additional coursework. Rehabilitation counselor educators who use the CRC examination as an alternative to a comprehensive examination for graduation may find this book useful to offer and/or require of students. The book encourages rehabilitation counselor educators to build a CRC-preparation strategy into master’s level rehabilitation programs that begins early in the program and positions students to take the CRC examination prior to graduation.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherSpringer Publishing Company
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-8261-5825-3
ISBN (Print)978-0-8261-5824-6
StatePublished - Oct 2021


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