Candidate massive galaxies at z ∼ 4 in the Dark Energy Survey

Pierandrea Guarnieri, Claudia Maraston, Daniel Thomas, Janine Pforr, Violeta Gonzalez-Perez, James Etherington, Joakim Carlsen, Xan Morice-Atkinson, Christopher J. Conselice, Julia Gschwend, Matias Carrasco Kind, Tim Abbott, Sahar Allam, David Brooks, David Burke, Aurelio Carnero Rosell, Jorge Carretero, Carlos Cunha, Chris D'Andrea, Luiz Da CostaJuan De Vincente, Darren DePoy, H. Thomas Diehl, Peter Doel, Josh Frieman, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Daniel Gruen, Gaston Gutierrez, Dominic Hanley, Devon Hollowood, Klaus Honscheid, David James, Tesla Jeltema, Kyler Kuehn, Marcos Lima, Marcio A.G. Maia, Jennifer Marshall, Paul Martini, Peter Melchior, Felipe Menanteau, Ramon Miquel, Andres PlazasMalagon, Samuel Richardson, Kathy Romer, Eusebio Sanchez, Vic Scarpine, Rafe Schindler, Ignacio Sevilla, Mathew Smith, Marcelle Soares-Santos, Flavia Sobreira, Eric Suchyta, Gregory Tarle, Alistair Walker, William Wester

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