Building Skills for Teacher Leadership: Special Educators’ Experiences

Courtney Lynn Barcus, Amanda H. Passmore, Geraldo Tobon, Kary Zarate, Bryan Moles, Kasandra Posey, Catrina Dorsey, Daniel M. Maggin, Marie Tejero Hughes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Special educators bring skills that apply directly to teacher leadership but are rarely placed in such positions. With increased requirements for teachers to engage in leadership roles, preservice teacher education programs must prepare candidates with the skills necessary to do so. Developing a better understanding of the experiences and skills that teachers utilize throughout their career span will allow programs to provide targeted learning opportunities aimed at teacher leadership will allow special educators to tap into these skills. This study interviewed 45 inservice special educators on their understanding of leadership, the supports and barriers that they experience, and their personal experience in leadership positions. Themes from interviews are named and implications for preservice education programs are discussed.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationTED 2021 Conference Proceedings
Subtitle of host publicationSteering into the Future
EditorsAndy Markelz, Katie Bennett, Melissa Driver
Place of PublicationFort Worth
PublisherTeacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children
StatePublished - 2021


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