Bronzes from Spina II: Instrumentum Domesticum

Eric Hostetter

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


This is the second volume of Eric Hostetter publication on the bronzes from Spina in the Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Ferrara. Like the first volume, which included the bronze figurines from Spina, it constitutes an important corpus of evidence for less wellknown aspects and phases of the art and archeology of the Etruscans, and for the influence of Greek art on Etruscan sculpture of the classical period. The book presents the majority of classes of Etruscan and Atestine vessels from the necropoleis of Valle Trebba and Valle Pega and several other classes, most of which are commonly termed banqueting bronzes, in contrast to objects of personal adornment, dress, warfare, trade or sport.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationMainz am Rhein
PublisherVerlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH
Number of pages293
ISBN (Print)3805324294, 9783805324298
StatePublished - 2001


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