Borel equivalence relations and lascar strong types

Krzysztof Krupiński, Anand Pillay, Sławomir Solecki

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The "space" of Lascar strong types, on some sort and relative to a given complete theory T, is in general not a compact Hausdorff topological space. We have at least three (modest) aims in this paper. The first is to show that spaces of Lascar strong types, as well as other related spaces and objects such as the Lascar group GalL(T) of T, have well-defined Borel cardinalities (in the sense of the theory of complexity of Borel equivalence relations). The second is to compute the Borel cardinalities of the known examples as well as of some new examples that we give. The third is to explore notions of definable map, embedding, and isomorphism, between these and related quotient objects. We also make some conjectures, the main one being roughly "smooth if and only if trivial". The possibility of a descriptive set-theoretic account of the complexity of spaces of Lascar strong types was touched on in the paper [E. Casanovas, D. Lascar, A. Pillay and M. Ziegler, Galois groups of first order theories, J. Math. Logic 1 (2001) 305-319], where the first example of a "non-G-compact theory" was given. The motivation for writing this paper is partly the discovery of new examples via definable groups, in [A. Conversano and A. Pillay, Connected components of definable groups and o-minimality I, Adv. Math. 231 (2012) 605-623; Connected components of definable groups and o-minimality II, to appear in Ann. Pure Appl. Logic] and the generalizations in [J. Gismatullin and K. Krupiński, On model-theoretic connected components in some group extensions, preprint (2012), arXiv:1201.5221v1].

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number1350008-1
JournalJournal of Mathematical Logic
Issue number2
StatePublished - Dec 2013


  • Borel reducibility
  • Lascar strong types

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Logic


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