Beyond Engineering: A Networked Improvement Community Combining STEM Equity and Access With Engineering Content Knowledge

Amari Simpson, Lorenzo DuBois Baber, Lara Hebert, Luisa Maria Rosu, Meagan Pollock, Lynford L Goddard

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Catalyzing Inclusive STEM Experiences All Year Round (CISTEME365) is a multi-pronged project designed to increase students’ interests and drive toward pursuing STEM majors and careers long-term. We provided middle/high school educators professional development training on STEM content, careers, access, and inclusion to establish out-of-school time STEM clubs for students. We investigated how CISTEME365’s professional development influenced the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of participating educators and their practices in increasing STEM access and persistence of students within their school settings. School educators reported positive experiences with our multi-layered, integrated STEM-equity, and engineering-curriculum content. This study demonstrated the significance of offering professional development through a networked community of school educators to influence K-12 URSs’ awareness, interests, and persistence onto the STEM workforce.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2021
Event2021 AERA Annual Meeting -
Duration: Apr 1 2021Apr 4 2021


Conference2021 AERA Annual Meeting


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