Anthropogenic Landscape Events at the East St. Louis Mound Complexe East St. Louis Mound Complex: A Historical Overview

Steven L. Boles, Lenna Nash

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


A number of borrow pits likely associated with a nearby ridge-top mound were ex-cavated during the 2011 field season at the East Saint Louis Mound Complex. These borrows were refilled and the area capped to create a plaza south of the mound. This reclamation event appears to have been ritually orchestrated with the probable intent to create a purified sacred space. A comparison to Cahokia borrows demon-strates both similarities and differences which will be discussed briefly.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationMAC 2014 Abstracts
PublisherMidwest Archaeological Conference
StatePublished - 2014
EventMidwest Archaeological Conference - Champaign, IL
Duration: Oct 2 2014Oct 4 2014


ConferenceMidwest Archaeological Conference
CityChampaign, IL


  • ISAS


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