Anomalous frequency and temperature-dependent scattering and Hund's coupling in the almost quantum critical heavy-fermion system CeFe2Ge2

G. Bossé, Lidong Pan, Yize S. Li, L. H. Greene, J. Eckstein, N. P. Armitage

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We present THz range optical conductivity data of a thin film of the near quantum critical heavy-fermion compound CeFe2Ge2. Our complex conductivity measurements find a deviation from conventional Drude-like transport in a temperature range previously reported to exhibit unconventional behavior. We calculate the frequency-dependent effective mass and scattering rate using an extended Drude model analysis. We find the inelastic scattering rate can be described by a temperature-dependent power law ωn(T), where n(T) approaches ∼1.0±0.2 at 1.5 K. This is compared to the ρ∼T1.5 behavior claimed in dc resistivity data and the ρ∼T2 expected from Fermi-liquid theory. In addition to a low-temperature mass renormalization, we find an anomalous mass renormalization that persists to high temperature. We attribute this to a Hund's coupling in the Fe states in a manner similar to that recently proposed in the ferropnictides. CeFe2Ge2 appears to be a very interesting system where one may study the interplay between the usual 4f lattice Kondo effect and this Hund's enhanced Kondo effect in the 3d states.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number085104
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number8
StatePublished - Feb 3 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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