Annual report for active IDOT wetland mitigation and hydrologic monitoring sites: September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020

Geoffrey E. Pociask, Audra M. Noyes, Steven E. Benton, Eric T. Plankell, Katharine L. Schleich, Jessica L. B. Monson, Lindsey A. Schafer, Keith W. Carr, Nicolette A. Sheffield, Nicholas A. Legut, Mackenzie K. Marti, Piotr Szocinski

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Summaries of 13 wetland mitigation sites are included in this report. Each summary contains a location map, a site map showing field instruments and the extent of area satisfying wetland hydrology criteria as appropriate, a table indicating whether well locations met wetland hydrology criteria, a table providing gauged surface-water levels that met wetland hydrology criteria, hydrographs from active wells and surface-water gauges, and graphs of local precipitation data for the period. Locations of wetland mitigation sites are shown on Figure 1, and a list of site names is presented in Table 1. Also, a summary of areas meeting wetland hydrology criteria for each site is provided in Table 2. Except where noted, all data included in this report are from September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2020, at IDOT’s request. Due to restrictions on field travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic some sites do not have a complete data record. The data retrieved subsequent to the delivery of this report with the reporting year will be sent to IDOT as an addendum.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherIllinois State Geological Survey
Number of pages156
StatePublished - 2020

Publication series

NameOpen File Series


  • ISGS


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