An interdisciplinary framework of youth participatory action research informed by curricula, youth, adults, and researchers

Amy M. Leman, Jacinda K. Dariotis, Daniela M. Markazi, Zachary Kennedy, Mynda Tracy, Ye Rang Park, Aisha N. Griffith

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Rarely are youth voices incorporated into program and policy development. Youth participatory action research (YPAR) is an opportunity for adolescents to develop research skills by completing projects relevant to their lives and allows participation and decision-making at systems and organizational levels. Attention to YPAR implementation detail, especially a curricular focus, is lacking in the literature. Specifically absent is an all-encompassing YPAR framework, a gap the current study addresses. The current study includes a review of existing YPAR curricula to develop the Youth Researcher Empowerment Framework, including research components, social emotional competencies, and assumptions necessary for completing a YPAR project that centers youth voice and shared power. The study includes a quantitative assessment of the YPAR curricula and qualitative reviews by adult practitioners. In addition, focus group data from youth and teacher audiences across multiple settings confirmed and clarified terms and concepts related to the framework. The study provides empirical evidence to support a revised framework for YPAR curricular implementation. Implications are discussed in terms of aspects of the research process needed for YPAR projects, attention to specific youth developmental skills as outcomes, and underlying principles needed to create a welcoming, contextual space allowing for empowerment, youth voice, and choice.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere13007
JournalJournal of Research on Adolescence
Issue number1
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • community-based participatory research
  • curriculum review
  • social emotional competencies
  • youth participatory action research
  • youth voice

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cultural Studies
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology
  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Behavioral Neuroscience


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