An Assessment of Encroachment Mitigation Techniques for Army Lands

Brian M. Deal, Donald F. Fournier, Diane M. Timlin, Elisabeth M. Jenicek

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


When Army installations were established, they were generally located in remote areas, isolated from populations. Over the last several decades, population centers have expanded up to or near installation boundaries. Installations are now susceptible to a broad range of enforcement actions based on environmental laws and regulations. This combination of factors new laws and nearby urban development is now creating significant pressure to alter land use practices on military installations. These pressures are termed encroachment. The Army must now reconcile its training and testing missions with its requirement to address encroachment issues, while complying with environmental regulations and fulfilling its desire to act as a good steward of the natural resources. This study was as part of an effort too develop of risk assessment and intervention methods required to expand the Armys response capability to encroachment issues and other environmentally based requirements.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherDefense Technical Information Center
Number of pages85
StatePublished - Oct 2002
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameERDC Technical Report


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