American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine consensus report on potential bioeffects of diagnostic ultrasound: Executive summary

J. Brian Fowlkes, Jacques S. Abramowicz, Charles C. Church, Christy K. Holland, Douglas L. Miller, William D. O'Brien, Narendra T. Sanghvi, Melvin E. Stratmeyer, James F. Zachary, Cheri X. Deng, Gerald R. Harris, Bruce A. Herman, Kullervo H. Hynynen, Christopher R.B. Merritt, Kai E. Thomenius, Michael R. Bailey, Paul L. Carson, Edwin L. Carstensen, Leon A. Frizzell, Wesley L. NyborgStanley B. Barnett, Francis A. Duck, Peter D. Edmonds, Marvin C. Ziskin, John G. Abbott, Diane Dalecki, Floyd Dunn, James F. Greenleaf, Kjell A. Salvesen, Tariq A. Siddiqi, Michalakis A. Averkiou, Andrew A. Brayman, E. Carr Everbach, James H. Wible, Junru Wu, Douglas G. Simpson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The continued examination of potential biological effects of ultrasound and their relationship to clinical practice is a key element in evaluating the safety of diagnostic ultrasound. Periodically, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) sponsors conferences bringing experts together to examine the literature on ultrasound bioeffects and to develop conclusions and recommendations related to diagnostic ultrasound. The most recent effort included the examination of effects whose origins were thermal or nonthermal, with separate evaluations for potential effects related to fetal ultrasound. In addition, potential effects due to the introduction of ultrasound contrast agents were summarized. This information can be used to assess risks in comparison to the benefits of diagnostic ultrasound. The conclusions and recommendations are organized into 5 broad categories, with a comprehensive background and evaluation of each topic provided in the corresponding articles in this issue. The following summary is not meant as a substitute for the detailed examination of issues presented in each of the articles but rather as a means to facilitate further study of this consensus report and implementation of its recommendations. The conclusions and recommendations are the result of several rounds of deliberations at the consensus conference, subsequent review by the Bioeffects Committee of the AIUM, and approval by the AIUM Board of Governors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)503-515
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2008


  • Bioeffects
  • Contrast
  • Mechanical effects
  • Safety
  • Thermal effects

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiological and Ultrasound Technology
  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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