Adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines in low-income Brazilian preschoolers and associations with demographic correlates

Clarice Maria de Lucena Martins, Luis Filipe Gomes Barbosa Pereira Lemos, Anastácio Neco de Souza Filho, Thaynã Alves Bezerra, Ivina Andréa Aires Soares, Jéssica Gomes Mota, Paulo Felipe Ribeiro Bandeira, Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota, Rafael Miranda Tassitano, Michael Joseph Duncan

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Background: The importance of movement behaviors for health is well known, although few studies have examined the adherence to movement guidelines in low-income preschoolers from a middle-income country, as Brazil. This study reports the proportion of preschoolers meeting the 24-hour movement guidelines and investigates its associations with demographic correlates in Brazilian low-income preschoolers. Methods: Two hundred and seventy preschoolers (132 boys, means age = 3.97 ± 0.80) provided physical activity (PA) data (Actigraph wGT3X). Sleep duration, screen time, and social correlates were parent-reported. Preschoolers were classified as compliant/not compliant with the 24-hour movement guidelines. Relationships between compliance with movement behaviors guidelines and demographic correlates were calculated using a network analysis (Mplus 8.0; Rstudio). Results: Preschoolers were active (273.52 ± 62.08 minutes/day of total PA), though moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) time was below the guideline (58.68 ± 22.51 minutes/day); spent more than the recommended 60 minutes/day on screen time (169.91 ± 97.07 minutes/day); and slept less than 10 hours per night (9.44 ± 1.12 hours/day). Only 3% of the sample complied with the guidelines. PA showed the highest compliance (43%), compared to sleep duration (35%) and screen time (15%). Male sex was related to adherence to MVPA recommendations, while female sex, with adherence to total PA recommendations. Child's primary caregiver was the most important centrality indicator in the network. Conclusion: Only 3% of the assessed preschoolers are compliant with the 24-hour movement behaviors guidelines. Strategies to promote adherence to movement behaviors among low-income preschoolers should consider child's primary caregivers to support movement behaviors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere23519
JournalAmerican Journal of Human Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 1 2021
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anatomy
  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Anthropology
  • Genetics


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