Acoustic Emission Information Discovery at the University of Illinois.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the late 1990s, Allen T. Green, president of Acoustic Technology Group, donated his personal collection of acoustic emission publications to the Grainger Engineering Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This collection is comprised of around 4,500 articles, technical reports and conference papers. The collection is particularly strong in government and corporate technical reports and has been utilized by researchers for many years. While many of the papers are available electronically, we are reviewing the more unique items in preparation for digitization. Some of these digitized documents will be placed in the Library's document repository, IDEALS. The Library has also developed an expanded information discovery and delivery service, called Easy Search, which provides access and full-text linking capabilities to journal, book, and report literature of acoustic emission. The full-text links in Easy Search resolve to publisher sites, government agency document sites, and to open access versions of the papers. Open access versions are available to anyone using the system. Our presentation includes information about digitization, copyright issues, and a demonstration of the Easy Search discovery software.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of Acoustic Emission
StatePublished - 2019


  • GREEN, Allen
  • ACOUSTIC emission
  • OPEN access publishing
  • COMPUTER software
  • full text
  • Information discovery
  • open access
  • publications


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