Accurate extraction of large electromechanical coupling in piezoelectric MEMS resonators

Ruochen Lu, Ming Huang Li, Yansong Yang, Tomas Manzaneque, Songbin Gong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recent advancements in the field of piezoelectric micro-resonators have produced devices, such as lithium niobate laterally vibrating resonators, with very high electromechanical coupling factors (k t 2 ) and respectable quality factors (Q). As a result, the records of the figure of merit (FoM) for radio-frequency MEMS resonators have been broken several times in the past five years. As exciting as these high FoMs are, they impose unique caveats in accurately extracting the electromechanical coupling often due to the presence of spurious modes. It is a less noted issue for micro-resonators with moderate k t 2 , as spurious modes either are absent or do not significantly affect the common extraction technique based on identifying resonances and anti-resonances. This paper will first theoretically analyze how disregarding spurious modes can potentially lead to inaccurate extraction of k t 2 of the intended mode and then offer a framework that accounts for spurious modes and accurately extracts electromechanical coupling using a multi-resonance recursive fitting.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number8624370
Pages (from-to)209-218
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2019


  • MBVD model
  • MEMS resonator
  • electromechanical coupling
  • equivalent circuit model
  • lithium niobate
  • piezoelectricity

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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