A Perspective on Weather Modification: Planned and Inadvertent

Nancy E. Westcott

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Weather modification has traditionally had two components: planned, referring to cloud seeding to increase rain or snow, decrease hail, reduce the destructiveness of hurricanes or dissipate fog, and inadvertent referring to the impact of large urban cities on the local weather (winds, precipitation, lightning, and aerosol concentrations). This chapter briefly examines 60 years of weather modification practices, research, results, and lessons that may be relevant to decisions regarding climate modification. For climate, one must consider whether issues related to scientific credibility, technological and logistical limitations, proof of concept requirements, effects of unexpected consequences, and funding cycles can be sufficiently resolved to provide both beneficial and verifiable results.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationEngineering Earth: The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects
EditorsStanley D Brunn
ISBN (Electronic)978-90-481-9920-4
ISBN (Print)978-90-481-9919-8, 978-94-024-0475-3
StatePublished - 2011


  • ISWS
  • Urban Heat Island
  • Cumulus Cloud
  • Cloud Property
  • Silver Iodide
  • Cloud System


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