A new subspecies of Sidalcea hichmanii from Oregon

Steven R. Hill, Richard R. Halse

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Sidalcea hickmanii subsp. petraea S.R. Hill & R. Halse, subsp. nov.,is described from Jackson County in southwestern Oregon. It is the only representative of the otherwise Californian Sidalcea hickmanii in Oregon and is the northernmost of the seven subspecies known. All are local endemics thought to be isolated remnants of a previously more widespread species. The new subspecies differs from the other subspecies in its predominantly white flowers and by the predominance of 2, rather than the more typical 3, involucellar bractlets. It is a several-stemmed perennial with congested spicate racemes, and it is known from a single location, Neil Rock.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1--8
Issue number11 December 2014
StatePublished - 2014


  • INHS


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