A Multidimensional Approach to Poverty that Strengthens the Humanitarian-Development Nexus

Angela Lyons, Josephine Kass-Hanna, Elisa Molena

Research output: Working paper


The recent COVID-19 pandemic and the expected increase in global crises threaten to push millions into poverty. Enhanced collaboration between humanitarian and development actors is critical to responding effectively and holistically to the needs of the world’s most vulnerable persons. As major donors, the G20 should play a pivotal role in strengthening the humanitarian-development nexus by shaping targeting strategies that address both immediate needs and longer-term development goals of crisis-affected populations. This brief provides recommendations to the development of a coordinated and multidimensional approach to poverty alleviation and prevention through livelihood and resilience-based programming.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Apr 29 2021

Publication series

NameT20 Policy Brief


  • poverty
  • poverty measurement
  • vulnerability
  • resiliency
  • economic livelihoods
  • humanitarian assistance
  • COVID-19


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