A molecular evaluation of the freshwater ascomycete family Annulatascaceae sensu lato

Steven E. Zelski, Andrew N. Miller, Carol A. Shearer

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Freshwater ascomycetes comprise an ecological group of fungi that have been studied intensively only in the past sixty years. Within the Sordariomycetes, the family Annulatascaceae accounts for nearly 10% of all described freshwater ascomycetes. Its position is incertae sedis at the subclass and ordinal levels. A limited number of molecular systematic studies of this group have been conducted. We present the results of work done to generate a modern, multi-gene phylogeny of the Annulatascaceae sensu lato. Sequences of the partial nuclear ribosomal 28S large subunit, 18S large subunit, and internal transcribed spacer genes, as well as the protein-coding gene MCM7, were generated for numerous taxa described in Annulatascaceae. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses support previous findings that Annulatascaceae is comprised of a monophyletic sensu stricto clade but other taxa belong in numerous different clades. The sensu stricto clade includes some but not all species of the genera Annulatascus, Annulusmagnus, Aquaticola, Ascitendus, Pseudoproboscispora, Longicollum, and Submersisphaeria. Genera with species outside of the sensu stricto clade include Ayria, Aquaticola, Brunneosporella, Cataractispora, Fluminicola, Fusoidispora, Torrentispora, Rivulicola, and Vertexicola.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2014


  • INHS


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