A Decade of Winners: The Illinois Governor's Pollution Prevention Awards

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

Research output: Other contribution


This booklet highlights the winning entries from the 10 year history of this recognition program. As you read through this compendium of pollution prevention accomplishments, perhaps you'll recognize a certain technique or technology for reducing waste that can be applied at your workplace. Or maybe a light bulb will switch on as to ways to encourage co-workers to participate in reducing waste at the source. You may also see dollar signs as you read how these winning companies have saved money and improved their bottom line by implementing a pollution prevention technology.
Original languageEnglish (US)
TypeIllinois Sustainability Awards Case Studies
PublisherWaste Management and Research Center
Place of PublicationChampaign, IL
StatePublished - 1997

Publication series

NameTN Series (Waste Management and Research Center)


  • Pollution prevention -- Illinois -- Case studies
  • Illinois Governor's Pollution Prevention Awards


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