24.9-GHz-bandwidth VCSEL enables 170-Gbit/s OFDM, GFDM, and DMT transmissions

Wei Li Wu, Chih Hsien Cheng, Atsushi Matsumoto, Kouichi Akahane, Yun Cheng Yang, Borching Su, Chao Hsin Wu, Milton Feng, Gong Ru Lin

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The direct modulation and fiber transmission performances of a bi-layer-oxide-confined 850-nm vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) containing an emission aperture size of 3.5 μm with versatile novel complex data formats are compared. With delivering quadrature amplitude modulation-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (QAM-OFDM), generalized frequency-division multiplexing (GFDM), and discrete multi-tone (DMT) data streams, the highest data rate allowable for encoding the 3.5-μm-aperture VCSEL is demonstrated under back-to-back (BtB) and 100-m OM5-multi-mode fiber (OM5-MMF) transmissions. The newly designed 3.5-μm-aperture VCSEL contains InGaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells and bi-layer-oxide-confined aperture to enhance its differential gain, reduce its thermal resistance, and improve its parasitic resistance for providing broader encoding bandwidth. Optimizing the VCSEL bias at 9 mA (11Ith) makes the lasing with three to four transverse modes suffer from a low modal dispersion effect, which also provides its 3-dB bandwidth as wide as 24.9 GHz and suppresses its RIN level to −138.0 dBc∕Hz for broadband OFDM/GFDM/DMT data encoding. By using the pre-distortion technique on the OFDM to compensate the SNR degradation, the OFDM modified with a pre-leveling slope of 0.5 dB/GHz can provide 160 Gbit/s for BtB and 140 Gbit/s for 100-m OM5-MMF transmissions. By dividing the N OFDM subcarriers into K equally-sized GFDM subcarriers and M equally-sized GFDM subsymbols, the QAM-GFDM with K = 2 can effectively enhance the out-of-band suppression to 35.9 dB and reduce the peak-to-average-power ratio to 9.7 dB, which can support 168 Gbit/s under BtB and 144 Gbit/s in 100-m OM5-MMF transmissions. To achieve the maximal spectral-usage efficiency, the DMT with the adaptive bit-loading algorithm is employed to improve the data rate up to 172 Gbit/s for BtB and 146 Gbit/s for 100-m OM5-MMF conditions. These advanced pre-leveled 16-QAM OFDM, GFDM, and DMT formats carried by the bi-oxide-layer-confined 3.5-μm-aperture VCSEL have shown their promising and brilliant future for supporting ultrahigh-speed intra-data-center links.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)377-390
Number of pages14
JournalPhotonics Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2024
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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