2012 Belize Biospeleology Expedition

Steven J. Taylor, Sam W. Heads, JoAnn Jacoby, Geoffrey B. Hoese, Jean K. Krejca, Aimee E. Beveridge, Kristina D. Hager

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


In 2012 we continued to make progress on several of the goals of our ongoing work in Belize: Identify study areas suited to cave ecology research ;Identify potential in-­‐country collaborators, contacts, and bases of operation; Preliminary documentation and assessment of biodiversity in select Belizean caves; Collect data suitable for publication in peer reviewed journals; Publish popular articles achieving outreach and education objectives related to subterranean ecology.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherIllinois Natural History Survey
StatePublished - Dec 8 2013

Publication series

NameINHS Technical Report 2013 (43)


  • INHS


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