0.25-μm gate millimeter-wave ion-implanted GaAs MESFET's

G. W. Wang, Milton Feng, C. L. Lau, C. Ito, Thomas R. Lepkowski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Quarter-micrometer gated ion-implanted GaAs MESFETs which demonstrate device performance comparable to AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic HEMTs (high-electron mobility transistors) have been successfully fabricated on 3-in-diameter GaAs substrates. The MESFETs show a peak extrinsic transconductance of 480 mS/mm with a high channel current of 720 mA/nm. From S-parameter measurements, the MESFETs show a peak current-gain cutoff frequency ft of 68 GHz with an average ft of 62 GHz across the wafer. The 0.25-μm gate MESFETs also exhibit a maximum-available-gain cutoff frequency ft greater than 100 GHz. These results are the first demonstration of potential volume production of high-performance ion-implanted MESFETs for millimeter-wave application.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)186-188
Number of pages3
JournalElectron device letters
Issue numbern
StatePublished - 1992
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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