Xun Yan

Personal profile

Research Interests

Language testing and assessment
English for academic purposes
Educational measurement
Quantitative research methods

Professional Information

My research broadly focuses on speaking and writing assessment. My specific research interests include scale development and validation, rater behavior and training, assessment literacy for language teachers, and test score use in educational settings.


Ph.D., English (Second Language Studies), Purdue University, 2015
M.A., TESOL, Ohio State University, 2009
B.A., English, Wuhan University, China, 2008



EIL 460 Principles of Language Testing
LING 489 Theoretical Foundations of Second Language Acquisition
EIL 411 Introduction to TESL Methodology

Office Address

Department of Linguistics
4080 Foreign Language Building, MC-168
707 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801


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