Personal profile

Personal profile

Vera Mikyoung Hur is a Professor of Mathematics and the Department Chair. She is the Philippe Tondeur Scholar in Mathematics and a Brad and Karen Smith Professorial Scholar of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She is a faculty affiliate of the Computational Science and Engineering program. 

Research Interests

Applied Mathematics  Differential Equations  Fluid Dynamics Physical Oceanography  Climate Science 

Professional Information

Professor Hur's research draws from rigorous analysis, numerical computation, and modeling, to deepen our understanding of the mathematics of surface water waves and other related problems. They include physical oceanography and geophysical fluid dynamics. My projects emphasize large scale dynamics and genuinely nonlinear behaviors, such as breaking and peaking.

Recently, I have interests in machine learning applications to other disciplines.


PhD, Brown University, 2006

Honors & Awards

Distinguished Promotion Award, University of Illinois, 2019
Associate, University of Illinois, Center for Advanced Study, 2019
Brad and Karen Smith Professorial Scholar, University of Illinois, LAS, 2018
Philippe Tondeur Scholar in Mathematics, 2016
Simons Fellow in Mathematics, 2016
Invited Plenary Hour Address, AMS Sectional Meeting, 2015
Beckman Fellow, University of Illinois, Center for Advanced Study, 2014
Arnold O. Beckman Research Award, University of Illinois, 2014, 2016
NSF CAREER Award, 2014
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2012


Office Address

Department of Mathematics
273 Altgeld Hall
1409 W Green Street (MC-382)
Urbana, IL 61801

Office Phone


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