Personal profile

Professional Information

Roderick Wilson is an Associate Professor in the Department of History and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on the intersection of people and their local habitats in Tokugawa and modern Japan. He is the author of Turbulent Streams: An Environmental History of Japan's Rivers, 1600-1930 (Brill, 2021) and is currently working on a second book about the urban and environmental history of Tokyo. At the University of Illinois, he also teaches a variety of courses on Tokyo, Japan, East Asia, and global environmental history.


Ph.D., History, Stanford University
M.A., Modern Japanese History, University of Oregon
B.A., History, Japanese Language Minor, Portland State University


History 120: East Asian Civilizations (Fall 2020/ Spring 2021)
History 200: Introduction to Historical Interpretation—Global Environmental History (Fall 2020)
History 200: Introduction to Historical Interpretation—Science, Technology, and Medicine in East Asia (Spring 2019)
History 227: Modern Japanese History (Spring 2020)
History 427: Twentieth-century Japanese History (Fall 2021)
History 570: Global Environmental History (Spring 2015)
EALC 250: Introduction to Japanese Culture (Spring 2021)
EALC 398: Colloquium in EALC—History and Memory of the Asia-Pacific War (Spring 2017)

EALC 398: Colloquium in EALC—Edo-Tokyo History (Fall 2021)
EALC 550: Historiography of Modern Japan (Fall 2019)

Office Address

300 D Greg Hall
810 S Wright
Urbana, IL 61801


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