Robert W Barrett, Jr.

Personal profile


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2001
M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1996
B.A., Trinity University, 1991

Research Interests

Drama (esp. English drama to 1642)
Ecocriticism and environmental humanities (esp. critical plant studies)
Global Middle Ages (esp. drama and literature)
Medieval British and Irish literature (esp. Middle English)
Region and locality (esp. Cheshire and Chester)


(links go to most recent syllabi)

ENGL 109, Introduction to Fiction-ACP (Summer 2013)
ENGL 119, The Literature of Fantasy (Spring 2014)
ENGL 121, Introduction to Comics (Spring 2020)
ENGL 202, Medieval Literature and Culture (Fall 2023)
ENGL 209, Early British Literature and Culture (Fall 2024)
ENGL 350, Writing about Literature, Text, and Culture (Spring 2015)
ENGL 396, English Honors Seminar (Spring 2019)
ENGL 411, Chaucer (Fall 2020)
ENGL 412, Topics in Medieval British and Irish Literature (Spring 2024)

ENGL 514, Seminar in Medieval Literature (Spring 2023)
ENGL 581, Seminar in Theory (Spring 2011)
ENGL 593, Professional Seminar in College Teaching (Spring 2017)
MDVL 500, Seminar in Medieval Studies (Spring 2016)

Office Address

201 English Building


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