6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Phillip J Ansell with the persons below:
Kiruba Sivasubramaniam Haran
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Professor, Grainger Director's Chair, Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics
- Grainger College of Engineering - Director, Center for Power Optimization of Electro-Thermal Systems (POETS)
- Biomedical and Translational Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic
Timothy Wolfe Bretl
- Aerospace Engineering - Associate Head, William H. Severns Faculty Scholar, Professor
- Siebel School of Computing and Data Science - Professor
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Professor
- Information Trust Institute - Professor
- Coordinated Science Lab - Professor
- Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology - Professor
Person: Academic
Theresa Ann Saxton-Fox
- Aerospace Engineering - Assistant Professor
- Mechanical Science and Engineering - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Leonardo Patricio Chamorro Chavez
- Mechanical Science and Engineering - Professor
- Aerospace Engineering - Professor
- Civil and Environmental Engineering - Affiliate
- Earth Science and Environmental Change - Professor
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies - Professor
Person: Academic