Personal profile

Research Interests

Research Topics

Computational Biology, Neurobiology, Sensory Processing


B.S. 1976 Wichita State University
PhD. 1983 University of California, Berkley
Postdoc. 1983-91 California Institute of Technology


Professional Information

Computational Neuroscience; Neuroethology; Adaptive Behaviour

The goal of our research is to understand the neural mechanisms and computational principles that allow animals to function effectively in complex, dynamically changing environments. Our focus is on understanding general principles of "smart sensing" in animals. We're interested in how the nervous system extracts and enhances behaviorally relevant information and suppresses irrelevant background noise. We investigate these issues by studying how weakly electric fish detect, localize, and discriminate prey in the dark using their electric sense. Our research involves a combination of behavioral, neurophysiological, computer modeling, and biorobotic approaches.

Office Address

Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
524 Burrill Hall
407 S. Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801

Office Phone

(217) 244-1371


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