Personal profile

Research Interests

My research focusses on languages, literacies and communication writ large as they relate to learner identities, educational experiences, and broader social processes (e.g., of inclusion or exclusion).  While this research has primarily focused on adolescent immigrant and refugee learners in public K-12 institutions, as well as their families, and teachers, I also explore language access and equity in other community and institutional contexts, such as immigrant-serving organizations, and in medical education.

Overarching research foci:

  • Multilingualism and learning in school and society
  • Intersections of language and literacy, race, ethnicity, gender, and social class
  • Qualitative research in applied linguistics: ethnographic methods, discourse analysis, sensory/embodied methods

Education/Academic qualification

Education, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Award Date: May 1 2010

Teaching English as a Second Language, M.Ed., University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Award Date: May 1 2005

Comparative Education, MA, University of Minnesota

Award Date: May 1 2000

Anthropology, French, BA, Grinnell College

Award Date: May 1 1996


  • L Education
  • LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
  • LB2361 Curriculum
  • P Philology. Linguistics


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