Personal profile

Research Interests

Nineteenth-Century American Literature; Early American Literature; Medicine and Literature; Secular Studies; Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World; History of the Novel


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2006
M.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2000
B.A., American University, 1997


American Affects (547)
Secularisms and Early US Fiction (547)
Slavery and Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (397)
The American Novel to 1914 (250)
Survey of American Literature 1 (255)
Madness in Antebellum America (475)
American Literature, 1820-1865 (449)
Major Authors: Edgar Allan Poe (455)
Nineteenth-Century American Gothic (300)
Literature and Culture of the American Civil War (461)

Office Address

312 English

Office Phone


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