Personal profile

Research Interests

  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Depression
  • Neglect

Professional Information

My research focuses on how and why certain children and adolescents go on to develop internalizing symptoms. Specifically, I examine the prospective interplay between cognitive, interpersonal, and physiological vulnerability factors and the onset and maintenance of depression in both domestic and international youth samples. In recent years, I have become increasingly interested in translating these basic developmental psychopathology findings into screening procedures that can better identify youth living in adverse family contexts, and thus, at elevated risk for psychological distress. Over the next several years, I look forward to taking an applied developmental psychopathology approach to research in which more objective psychosocial screening procedures are developed on the bases of novel, longitudinal, laboratory studies with at-risk youth.


Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick


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