Jacquelyn Michelle Noronha-Hostler


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  • Jet cone radius dependence of RAA and v2 at PbPb 5.02 TeV from JEWEL+TRENTo+v-USPhydro

    Barreto, L., Canedo, F. M., Munhoz, M. G., Noronha, J. & Noronha-Hostler, J., Jan 2025, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 860, 139217.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Bayesian location of the QCD critical point from a holographic perspective

    Hippert, M., Grefa, J., Manning, T. A., Noronha, J., Noronha-Hostler, J., Vazquez, I. P., Ratti, C., Rougemont, R. & Trujillo, M., Nov 1 2024, In: Physical Review D. 110, 9, 094006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Dense nuclear matter equation of state from heavy-ion collisions

    Sorensen, A., Agarwal, K., Brown, K. W., Chajęcki, Z., Danielewicz, P., Drischler, C., Gandolfi, S., Holt, J. W., Kaminski, M., Ko, C. M., Kumar, R., Li, B. A., Lynch, W. G., McIntosh, A. B., Newton, W. G., Pratt, S., Savchuk, O., Stefaniak, M., Tews, I. & Tsang, M. Y. B. & 115 others, Vogt, R., Wolter, H., Zbroszczyk, H., Abbasi, N., Aichelin, J., Andronic, A., Bass, S. A., Becattini, F., Blaschke, D., Bleicher, M., Blume, C., Bratkovskaya, E., Brown, B. A., Brown, D. A., Camaiani, A., Casini, G., Chatziioannou, K., Chbihi, A., Colonna, M., Cozma, M. D., Dexheimer, V., Dong, X., Dore, T., Du, L., Dueñas, J. A., Elfner, H., Florkowski, W., Fujimoto, Y., Furnstahl, R. J., Gade, A., Galatyuk, T., Gale, C., Geurts, F., Grozdanov, S., Hagel, K., Harris, S. P., Haxton, W., Heinz, U., Heller, M. P., Hen, O., Hergert, H., Herrmann, N., Huang, H. Z., Huang, X. G., Ikeno, N., Inghirami, G., Jankowski, J., Jia, J., Jiménez, J. C., Kapusta, J., Kardan, B., Karpenko, I., Keane, D., Kharzeev, D., Kugler, A., Le Fèvre, A., Lee, D., Liu, H., Lisa, M. A., Llope, W. J., Lombardo, I., Lorenz, M., Marchi, T., McLerran, L., Mosel, U., Motornenko, A., Müller, B., Napolitani, P., Natowitz, J. B., Nazarewicz, W., Noronha, J., Noronha-Hostler, J., Odyniec, G., Papakonstantinou, P., Paulínyová, Z., Piekarewicz, J., Pisarski, R. D., Plumberg, C., Prakash, M., Randrup, J., Ratti, C., Rau, P., Reddy, S., Schmidt, H. R., Russotto, P., Ryblewski, R., Schäfer, A., Schenke, B., Sen, S., Senger, P., Seto, R., Shen, C., Sherrill, B., Singh, M., Skokov, V., Spaliński, M., Steinheimer, J., Stephanov, M., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sun, K. J., Tang, A., Torrieri, G., Trautmann, W., Verde, G., Vovchenko, V., Wada, R., Wang, F., Wang, G., Werner, K., Xu, N., Xu, Z., Yee, H. U., Yennello, S. & Yin, Y., Jan 2024, In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 134, 104080.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Holographic transport coefficients and jet energy loss for the hot and dense quark-gluon plasma

    Grefa, J., Hippert, M., Elayavalli, R. K., Noronha-Hostler, J., Portillo, I., Ratti, C. & Rougemont, R., Jun 26 2024, 30th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2023. Bellwied, R., Geurts, F., Rapp, R., Ratti, C., Timmins, A. & Vitev, I. (eds.). EDP Sciences, 14014. (EPJ Web of Conferences; vol. 296).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
  • Hot QCD phase diagram from holographic Einstein–Maxwell–Dilaton models

    Rougemont, R., Grefa, J., Hippert, M., Noronha, J., Noronha-Hostler, J., Portillo, I. & Ratti, C., Feb 2024, In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 135, 104093.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access