Personal profile

Research Interests

  • Enlightenment Political and Moral Thought (esp. Locke, Rousseau, the Scottish Enlightenment); Intellectual History of Early Liberalism; Eighteenth-Century Women's Writing; Feminist Philosophy and Critical Theory; Eighteenth-Century British Literature; History of the Novel


  • Ph.D., English, Johns Hopkins University, 2004 
  • M.Phil., Economics and Politics, University of Cambridge (UK), 1992
  • A.B., English and Economics, Bryn Mawr College, 1989


Graduate courses

  • The Pursuit of 'True and Solid' Happiness: Hedonism and Virtue in Enlightenment Letters
  • Feminism and Liberalism in the Enlightenment
  • Enlightenment Narratives of Education
  • Women's Friendship in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture
  • Rousseau, Feminism, and Romanticism
  • George Eliot and the Contours of Realism
  • Novel Aesthetics
  • Modern Critical Theory

Office Address

English Building 347


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