Personal profile

Research Interests

cultural heritage, cultural politics, cultural governance, cultural rights
anthropology of tourism
critical museum studies
memory, identity, nationalism
historic urban environments
architecture and the built environment
spatial theory
anthropology of death
encounters with the past as popular culture
geographical areas: Peru, Southeast Asia, England

Professional Information


PhD, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
MA, Anthropology, Columbia University
BA, Anthropology, Queens College of the City University of New York


Anth 175: Archaeology and Popular Culture
Anth 180: Anthropology and Archaeology of Death
Anth 209: Food, Culture and Society
Anth 224: Tourist Cities and Sites
Anth 420: Case Studies in Global Heritage
Anth 460: Heritage Management
Anth 462: Museum Theory and Practice
Anth 557: Social Construction of Space
GLBL 298: Tourism and Economic Development in Peru
GLBL 296: Global Cultural Governance and Cultural Heritage Conflict

Office Address

Department of Anthropology
607 S Mathews Ave.
M/C 148
Urbana, IL 61801

Office Phone


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