Personal profile

Research Interests

  • Economic and political approaches to Victorian fiction
  • History of economic theory in Europe and America; utopian novels
  • History of urban planning; narrative theory; irony and comedy
  • An affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, the Program in Comparative and World Literature, and the Department of German. Blog posts are cross-posted at


Grad Courses (Eng 537): "The Industrial Novel and the Rise of Cultural Studies (2006), "Sexuality and Empire in the Fin de Siècle" (2009), "Victorian Socialisms" (2011), "Machine Dreams: Victorian Utopias" (2012), "The Best Recent Criticism of Victorian Novels" (2015), "Victorian Political Radicalism" (2017), "The Uses and Abuses of Victorian Historicism (2019), "Sustainability and Utopia in Victorian Britain" (2021).

Selected Undergrad Courses:

Eng 208: Victorian Literature and Culture

Eng 247: The British Novel

Eng 350: Pulp Fictions of the 1890s

Eng 396: Victorian Utopias

Eng 435: 19th C British Fiction 


  • PhD (Comparative Literature): Cornell 1998.
  • MA (Comparative Literature): Cornell 1994.
  • BA: Yale 1990 (summa cum laude).


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