Charles John Bopp, IV

Ph.D. in Geology

Personal profile

Previous Positions

2020-2022: Senior Production Geologist, Appomattox Studies Team; Shell Exploration and Production Company, Houston, TX

2015-2020: Production Geologist, Gulf of Mexico Support Team; Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc., Houston, TX

2012-2015: Production Geologist, Nigeria Deepwater Support Team; Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc., Houston, TX

2010-2012: Science Coordinator, GeoPRISMS Program Office and Assistant Instructor, Seismic Interpretation; Rice University Department of Geology, Houston, TX

Personal profile

Charles Bopp is a Resource Geologist in the Critical & Strategic Minerals Section of the Illinois State Geological Survey supporting projects in conventional, unconventional, and waste reuse for critical mineral resources, as well as carbon capture and storage. Charles’s recent research in these fields includes resource estimation studies of critical minerals in coal seams, waste, and tailings piles; engineering studies in the fields of tailings and waste valorization and zero-waste mining, and work on resource classification and reporting in CCUS projects. Charles previously spent a decade in the oil and gas industry and worked as an academician and administrator as well. Charles earned a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is a licensed Professional Geologist in Illinois, New York, and Texas, and lives outside of Chicago, Illinois.

Office Phone

+1 217-333-6151


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