Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2018

    Optimal nonlinear feedback with feedforward control of high speed aerospace vehicles using a spatial statistical approach

    Chilan, C. M., Conway, B. A., Bialy, B. J. & Stockbridge, S., 2018, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2018. Singla, P., Weisman, R. M., Marchand, B. G. & Jones, B. A. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 997-1016 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 167).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2017

    Asteroid deflection with safe harbors found via numerical optimization

    Conway, B. A., Eggl, S. & Hestroffer, D., 2017, Spaceflight Mechanics 2017. Sims, J. A., Leve, F. A., McMahon, J. W. & Guo, Y. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 565-575 11 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 160).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • A time-regularized, multiple gravity-assist low-thrust, bounded-impulse model for trajectory optimization

    Ellison, D. H., Englander, J. A. & Conway, B. A., 2017, Spaceflight Mechanics 2017. Sims, J. A., Leve, F. A., McMahon, J. W. & Guo, Y. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 661-674 14 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 160).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2014

    Analytical partial derivative calculation of the sims-flanagan transcription match point constraints

    Ellison, D. H., Englander, J. A., Ozimek, M. T. & Conway, B. A., 2014, Advances In The Astronautical Sciences. Mackison, D. L., Abdelkhalik, O., Wilson, R. S. & Zanetti, R. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 1559-1578 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 152).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Global optimization of low-thrust, multiple-flyby trajectories at medium and medium-high fidelity

    Englander, J. A., Ellison, D. H. & Conway, B. A., 2014, Advances In The Astronautical Sciences. Mackison, D. L., Abdelkhalik, O., Wilson, R. S. & Zanetti, R. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 1539-1558 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 152).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Near-optimal feedback guidance for aeroassisted orbital transfer via spatial statistical prediction

    Ghosh, P. & Conway, B. A., 2014, Advances In The Astronautical Sciences. Mackison, D. L., Abdelkhalik, O., Wilson, R. S. & Zanetti, R. (eds.). Univelt Inc., p. 2621-2640 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 152).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Robust global optimization of low-thrust, multiple-flyby trajectories

    Ellison, D. H., Englander, J. A. & Conway, B. A., 2014, Astrodynamics 2013 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. Univelt Inc., p. 3213-3232 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 150).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2012

    Automated interplanetary trajectory planning

    Englander, J. A., Conway, B. A. & Williams, T., 2012, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012. (AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Near-optimal feedback strategies for optimal control and pursuit-evasion games: A spatial statistical approach

    Ghosh, P. & Conway, B. A., 2012, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012. (AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal finite-thrust rendezvous trajectories found via particle swarm algorithm

    Pontani, M. & Conway, B. A., 2012, ASTRODYNAMICS 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. p. 3781-3800 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 142).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal pursuit/evasion spacecraft trajectories in the hill reference frame

    Stupik, J., Pontaniy, M. & Conway, B., 2012, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012. AIAA International, (AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2012).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2011

    A direct method for trajectory optimization using the particle swarm approach

    Ghosh, P. & Conway, B. A., 2011, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 775-794 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 140).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • A new numerical optimization method based on Taylor series

    Martin, C. S. & Conway, B. A., 2011, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 795-812 18 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 140).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Finding optimal relative orbit transfer trajectories with the particle swarm algorithm and primer vector theory

    Aubin, B., Conway, B. & Chung, S. J., 2011, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 853-871 19 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 140).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal autonomous mission planning via evolutionary algorithms

    Englander, J. A., Conway, B. A. & Williams, T., 2011, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 833-852 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 140).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Particle swarm optimization of low-thrust orbital transfers and rendezvous

    Pontani, M. & Conway, B. A., 2011, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the 21st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 889-908 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 140).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2010

    A brief survey of methods available for numerical optimization of spacecraft trajectories

    Conway, B. A., 2010, 61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010. p. 1848-1862 15 p. (61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010; vol. 3).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Method and solution for the 2009 Global Trajectory Optimization Contest

    Aubin, B. S., Conway, B. A., Englander, J. A., Ghosh, A. M., Martin, C. S. & Wall, B. J., 2010, Astrodynamics 2009 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. p. 529-543 15 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 135).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • New numerical methods for determining periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem

    Pontani, M., Martin, C. & Conway, B. A., 2010, 61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010. p. 499-509 11 p. (61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010; vol. 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal low-thrust/invariant manifold Earth Moon transfer trajectories

    Martin, C. S. & Conway, B. A., 2010, Spaceflight Mechanics 2010 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 89-106 18 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 136).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal space trajectories via particle swarm technique

    Pontani, M. & Conway, B. A., 2010, Spaceflight Mechanics 2010 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 53-72 20 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 136).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Particle swarm optimization applied to orbital transfers

    Pontani, M. & Conway, B. A., 2010, 61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010. p. 10884-10898 15 p. (61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010; vol. 13).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2009

    Optimal interception of optimally evasive spacecraft

    Pontani, M. & Conway, B. A., 2009, 60th International Astronautical Congress 2009, IAC 2009. International Astronautical Federation, IAF, p. 4378-4391 14 p. (60th International Astronautical Congress 2009, IAC 2009; vol. 6).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Optimal strategies found using genetic algorithms for deflecting hazardous near-earth objects

    Englander, J. A., Conway, B. A. & Wall, B. J., 2009, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009. p. 2309-2315 7 p. 4983228. (2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Using genetic algorithms for the construction of a space mission automaton

    Chilan, C. M. & Conway, B. A., 2009, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009. p. 2316-2323 8 p. 4983229. (2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2007

    A space mission automaton using hybrid optimal control

    Chilan, C. M. & Conway, B. A., 2007, American Astronautical Society - Space Flight Mechanics 2007 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 259-276 18 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 127 PART 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • Developing a systematic approach to the use of genetic algorithms for the solution of optimal spacecraft trajectory problems

    Wall, B. J. & Conway, B. A., 2007, American Astronautical Society - Space Flight Mechanics 2007 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. p. 929-946 18 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 127 PART 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2006

    Six-degree-of-freedom trajectory optimization utilizing a two-timescale collocation architecture

    Desai, P. N. & Conway, B. A., 2006, Astrodynamics 2005 - Advances in the Astronautical Sciences - Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference. p. 1949-1964 16 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 123 III).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 1994

    Direct solutions of optimal orbit transfers using collocation based on Jacobi polynomials

    Herman, A. L. & Conway, B. A., 1994, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. Cochran, J. E. J., Edwards, C. D. J., Hoffman, S. J. & Holdaway, R. (eds.). 2 ed. Publ by Univelt Inc, p. 905-925 21 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 87, no. 2).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 1992

    Solution of singular optimal control problems using direct collocation and nonlinear programming

    Downey, J. R. & Conway, B. A., 1992, Astrodynamics 1991. pt 3 ed. Publ by Univelt Inc, p. 1973-1988 16 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 76, no. pt 3).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 1984


    Conway, B. A., Tuliglowski, J. E. & Webber, P. D., 1984, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. Tseng, G. T., Bainum, P. M. & Levinson, D. A. (eds.). Pt 1 ed. r American Astronautical Soc by Univelt Inc, p. 37-50 14 p. (Advances in the Astronautical Sciences; vol. 54, no. Pt 1).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution