Personal profile

Personal profile

Bonnie Mak is an associate professor in the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at the University of Illinois. She holds 0% appointments in History and Medieval Studies.

Professional Information

Manuscript, print, and digital cultures; the production and circulation of knowledge; information history; manuscript studies; book history; history of science; medieval and early modern collecting; history of archives and libraries.


PhD, Medieval institute, University of Notre Dame.


History of the Book
Information History
Libraries, Information, Society

Honors & Awards

List of Teachers Rated as Excellent; University of Illinois (2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2011, 2010).
Senior Fellow, Center for Humanities and Information; The Pennsylvania State University (2015–16).
Faculty Fellow, Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities; University of Illinois (2012–13).

Office Address

230 LIS Bldg
M/C 493
Champaign, IL 61820

Office Phone

Research Interests

Manuscript, print, and digital cultures; the production and circulation of knowledge; information history; manuscript studies; book history; history of science; medieval and early modern collecting; history of archives and libraries.


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  • Cataloguing

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  • Period, theme, event: Locating information history in history

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