Andrew Gaedtke

Conrad Humanities Scholar

Personal profile

Research Interests

British and Irish Modernism, Contemporary Fiction, Narratology, Disability Studies, Medical Humanities, History of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, Media Theory


  • (115) Intro to British Literature
  • (213) Modernism and Modernity
  • (219) Literature and Medicine
  • (247) Doppelgangers, Doubles, and Divided Minds
  • (300) Literature of War: Disability, Gender, and Modernism
  • (301) Critical Approaches to Literature
  • (442) British Literature Since 1930: Returns of the Repressed
  • (500) Intro to Theory and Research
  • (543) The Minds of Modernism
  • (563) Neurodiversity, Self-Narration, and the (Post-)Human
  • (578) Affect, Cognition, The Human

Education/Academic qualification

English, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Award Date: Aug 15 2009


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