Personal profile

Research Interests

Syntax, Comparative Syntax, Phonology, Syntax-Prosody Interface, Morphology, Psycholinguistics


PhD (University of Connecticut, 2017)

Honors & Awards

2016 University of Connecticut Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


LING 301 Elements of Syntax
LING 307 Elements of Semantics and Pragmatics
EIL 422 English Grammar for ESL Teachers
LING 400 Introduction to Linguistic Structure (online)

LING 403 Introduction to Field Methods in Linguistics
LING 501 Syntax I
LING 541 Syntax II

LING 591 Seminar on Topics in Morphosyntax

Office Address

University of Illinois
Dept. of Linguistics, MC-168
707 South Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801

Office: 4021 Foreign Languages Bldg.

Education/Academic qualification

Level 1 Mental Health Ambassador, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Award Date: Apr 6 2022


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